Thursday, April 10, 2014

Life in a room of brick walls with no windows or doors

 That's exactly how my life is right now. No way around things, so I've been creating a project list of things to accomplish in April. I'm making raised beds for my garden instead of digging, in hops I buy enough dirt LOL! I'm taking apart a box spring my friend gave me, to recycle the wood from it. I'm saving 2 liter bottles to make garden pots, plant starters, & a vertical strawberry garden! I started with a recycled pvc pipe, pics will be on my garden blog.
  If life gets too the point you feel like your in a 2x2" brick room, with no windows or doors; make a list of projects you need to finish or have been wanting to do! With the weather getting warmer for most states, it'll feel better to get outside. Life has put me in this "time out" more often then not, naturally, it gets one down & out, but get busy, keep your mind focused on other things, only thing about the necessary things when you have to. You'll find life gets easier, and you'll learn to live with the small dull pain of what you're given to deal with. There are always options, cold weather, start making lists of things to do in warm weather, try new recipes, rearrange the entire house, or save that toward the end of the cold weather, & rearrange for Spring. Do something! If health issues get in your way, recruit help! The age shouldn't matter, depending on the task, just make sure the attitude is right. Don't bring someone over who's down unless your ready to help them fight their demons while your doing things you need to get done.

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